Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

GOOD: Woman who falsely claimed she was raped by three men because she regretted having sex with them jailed for two years

A woman who cried rape because she regretted having sex with three men at a drunken orgy has been jailed for two years for her ‘wicked’ lies.

Rosie Dodd, 20, had been out drinking when she met the men, aged 25, 23, and 21, and started groping one of them on a bus on the way home.

She had sex with them one after the other, but after telling a friend she felt ‘dirty’ she lied to police that she had been raped.

The men, two of them students, then suffered a ‘nightmare’ involving intimate examinations and being locked up in cells.

But after police became  concerned about inconsistencies in Dodd’s account, she admitted the encounters had been consensual.

Last night she was put behind bars.

via Woman who falsely claimed she was raped by three men because she regretted having sex with them jailed for two years | Mail Online.

The Terrorists' Veto

A week after region-wide riots started in Cairo, Hezbollah sent half a million supporters into the streets of Beirut’s southern suburbs, ostensibly to protest the trailer for the now-infamous movie on YouTube. The mob screamed the same tired slogans we’re accustomed to hearing--“Death to America” and “Death to Israel”--but Hezbollah’s secretary general Hassan Nasrallah said something new. “The U.S. should understand that if it broadcasts the film in full it will face very dangerous repercussions around the world.”

Hezbollah is technologically advanced and media-savvy. Nasrallah knows perfectly well that when an individual uploads a video to YouTube, it doesn’t count as “the United States broadcasting a film.” That’s actually his point. He’s not threatening the United States in the abstract. He’s threatening you.. If you insult Hassan Nasrallah’s religion on the Internet, terrorists may come after you.

Emphasis in original. Via The Terrorists' Veto by Michael J. Totten - City Journal.

Watch Out For New TSA "Chat-Down" Program

This is a variation on what the TSA did to me during my recent flight back from Manchester. The worker asked me, during the pat-down, "So where are you headed today?" My response: "Wherever it says on the ticket." He got real ugly after that.

As [Muskeegon Chronical writer Steve] Gunn was standing in security line at the Detroit airport when a young woman in a uniform approached him. Gunn reports:

(Big Brother) actually presented himself in the deceptive form of a young, attractive female officer, working for the Transportation Security Administration at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

At first she simply seemed chatty and friendly. She looked at my airline boarding pass and noted that I was coming from Denver. Then she mentioned that I was headed from Detroit to Grand Rapids.

After explaining that he was just returning home, the TSA agent’s question started getting a bit more invasive. She wanted to know “where home was” -- and that’s when Gunn realized that something was not right about this questioning and he asked why the agent needed to know all of this. Her response was that this was part of a new security “pilot program.”

That answer was not good enough for Mr. Gunn. He made it quite clear to the woman performing the TSA “Chat-Down.”

- He was an American citizen

- He was traveling within his own country

- He was not breaking any laws

- That was all the government needed to know and he was not going to share any information

And that’s when the agent loudly announced to her superiors (and everyone else standing in line): “We have another refusal here!”

By shouting that line, the woman triggered a response from supervisors and other agents in the area.

via Is TSA Chat-Down Program ‘Unreasonable Search?’: Interview with Steve Gunn |

Nobody Wants The Money The Fed Is Printing

The Fed is trying to stimulate the economy by keeping interest rates low, especially for mortgages, but many borrowers aren’t qualifying for loans. If banks don’t want to lend or can’t find qualified customers, it doesn’t really matter how low interest rates go. It’s a remarkable spectacle in a way: the Fed is printing money that nobody wants.

via Falling Mortgages Undercut Fed Borrowing Plan | Via Meadia.

More, Please: Iran Cleric Pummeled by ‘Badly Covered’ Woman After Warning

Cleric: "You cover yourself!" Woman: "You cover your eyes!" Awesome.

An Iranian cleric said he was beaten by a woman in the northern province of Semnan after giving her a warning for being “badly covered,” the state-run Mehr news agency reported.

Hojatoleslam Ali Beheshti said he encountered the woman in the street while on his way to the mosque in the town of Shahmirzad, and asked her to cover herself up, to which she replied “you, cover your eyes,” according to Mehr. The cleric repeated his warning, which he said prompted her to insult and push him.

“I fell on my back on the floor,” Beheshti said in the report. “I don’t know what happened after that, all I could feel was the kicks of this woman who was insulting me and attacking me.”

Via Iran Cleric Pummeled by ‘Badly Covered’ Woman After Warning - Bloomberg.

A Individual Constitutional Right To Own An AR

“As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”

-Tenche Coxe, friend and correspondant of James Madison (father of the constitution)

” . . . but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights . . . .”

-Alexander Hamilton, Federalist papers #29

via The Captain's Journal » Do We Have A Constitutional Right To Own An AR?.

A Glimpse Of The Economic Endgame, Via Romney No Less?

Romney: [The] former head of Goldman Sachs, John Whitehead, was also the former head of the New York Federal Reserve. And I met with him, and he said as soon as the Fed stops buying all the debt that we're issuing--which they've been doing, the Fed's buying like three-quarters of the debt that America issues. He said, once that's over, he said we're going to have a failed Treasury auction, interest rates are going to have to go up. We're living in this borrowed fantasy world, where the government keeps on borrowing money. You know, we borrow this extra trillion a year, we wonder who's loaning us the trillion? The Chinese aren't loaning us anymore. The Russians aren't loaning it to us anymore. So who's giving us the trillion? And the answer is we're just making it up. The Federal Reserve is just taking it and saying, "Here, we're giving it." It's just made up money, and this does not augur well for our economic future. You know, some of these things are complex enough it's not easy for people to understand, but your point of saying, bankruptcy usually concentrates the mind.

Emphasis mine. Via What Mitt Romney Also Said: A Glimpse Of The Endgame? | ZeroHedge.

Why the *hell* does DHS need 176,000 rounds of sniper rifle ammunition?

Following controversy over its purchase of around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, the Department of Homeland Security has put out a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers.

A series of new solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps website show that the DHS is looking to purchase 200 million rounds of .223 rifle ammunition over the next four years, as well as 176,000 rounds of .308 caliber 168 grain hollow point boat tail (HPBT) rounds in addition to 25,000 rounds of blank .308 caliber bullets.

As James Smith over at the Prepper Podcast website highlights, “It is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling.”

Smith points out that the DHS’ acquisition of .308 rounds is of concern because they are set to be used by well-trained snipers.

That's the stuff I use in my Armalite AR-10 Super SASS. Why does DHS need that kind of round? Are they planning to shoot folks at long range, or what? Via » DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!.

Represent: Muslim Rioters vs Occupy Folk

In most places, about 30 to 250 people are rioting, and causing damage, but so many people are ready to attribute their actions to an entire country or religion. Think of it this way: do the Occupy Wall St. protests and rioters in Oakland represent all Americans? Of course not--they represent some Americans, but not all of us, and their actions do not reflect anything about a majority of Americans.

Also, people who keep asking why Muslims, etc., don't counter-protest or condemn certain actions, 1) people have jobs and families to take care of--let's say you opposed any rioters who were part of the Occupy Wall St protests. Did you go to Oakland, etc. and counter-protest? If not, why would you expect anyone else to? 2) Also, let's say you did condemn the Occupy protests or damage in Oakland--so what? Do you think anyone who thinks America is a police state cares what you think, or that your condemnation accomplishes anything effective?

At the end of the day, most people want the same things--to take care of their families and to have a job. Countries with many unmarried, unemployed, or uneducated men are going to have problems regardless of religion, race, or background.

(Edited to add paragraphs.) Via Rafat Channels Tullock, Kuran, and Sunstein, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty.

Secret Romney Tape and Obama's Record

Obama's actual record is worth sussing through. As spun out at the Democratic National Convention, Obama's domestic policy moves have seen nothing but success. Either the stimulus flat-out worked or, if it didn't actually achieve any of its goals in terms of reducing unemployment, it staved off far worse outcomes. You got that, America: If I hadn't gotten to do what I wanted, says President Obama, you'd be even more out of a job. The illegal auto bailout was so successful that it will never earn back what was spent on it. Health care reform, which expands the budget-breaking program Medicare and yet manages to protect completely the budget-breaking program Medicare, will help the country's bottom line because it forces more people to pay for insurance so good they have to be forced to pay for it. The president's plans for the future include more spending, slightly more taxes (but only on the rich) and deficits for at least the next 10 years (his budget proposal only goes that far).

When the focus shifts from economic policy to things such as the drug war, or immigration, or transparency, well...noboby really wants to discuss those things anyway, right?

So thank god for this latest flap over Romney saying in private essentially what he says in public. Because if it weren't for that, we might actually get around to discussing something/anything that actually has a real bearing on just how bad whoever gets elected in November is going to screw things up even more. After all, a presidential campaign is really just not the place for that sort of discussion.

via Secret Romney Tape Means We Can Finally Stop Talking About Obama's Failed Foreign & Domestic Policy! - Hit & Run :