Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

Some Problems Regarding "Humanitarian Intervention"

[T]here is a general wariness and nervousness about the return of the old dream of armed intervention. Above all because we realise that humanitarian interventionism offers us no political way to judge who it is we are helping in Libya - and thus what the real consequences of our actions might be.

Even if one's instincts are to help those fighting Gadaffi, it is no longer enough just to see it as a struggle of goodies against baddies. For it is precisely that simplification that has led to unreal fantasies about who we are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Fantasies that persist today, and which our leaders still cling to - because they give the illusion that we are in control.

via BBC - Blogs - Adam Curtis - GOODIES AND BADDIES.

On MLK holiday, walking for civil rights and the Second Amendment

“The Klan would drive through our neighborhood shooting at us, shooting into our homes,” recalled Hicks, 66, who grew up in Bogalusa, La., and has been a civil rights activist in the District for more than 35 years. “The black men in the community wouldn’t stand for it. You shoot at us, we shoot back at you. I’m convinced that without our guns, my family and many other black people would not be alive today.”

via On MLK holiday, walking for civil rights and the Second Amendment - The Washington Post.

Asking The Government To "Do Something" Is Not Scientific

What science is it that assures you that government officials will, in such situations, act impartially and for the public good rather than politically and for special-interest groups?  What objective and established proof, or even plausible hypothesis, have you that the very same knowledge, free-rider, and transaction-cost problems that promote the negative externality to begin with do not also operate – or operate with even greater force – to distort decision-making by government officials?  I believe that history and science reveal that the answer to both questions in typical situations is “none.”

via More Scientific Than Thou.

How To Tell If Your Art Sucks

The ONLY thing that can validate your art and thus you is OTHER PEOPLE.  And if your art sucks (which it certainly does) then it's not art, and is nothing more than a child in an adult's body forcing crap on the rest of us.

Here's a good way to tell if your art sucks and if you are indeed not an artist:

Is your "work" subsidized in any way by the government?

If it is, then your art sucks.  The reason why is that your art is SO BAD that it requires the government to FORCIBLY TAKE MONEY FROM OTHER PEOPLE to buy it.  Nobody willingly buys it because it's that bad.  But to spare your worthless feelings, politicians will (for the cost of a vote) make other people waste a percentage of their precious and finite lives to pay the taxes to pay for your veritable crap that you call "art."

Emphasis mine. Via Captain Capitalism: Hey Art Majors, You Suck!.

P.S.: "now's the point in time you rehearse your 'you don't understand art' BS and condescend me about being 'ignorant' about art and having a close-minded view of your 'field.'"

One Aaron Swartz Prosecutor Linked To Another Hacker's Suicide In 2008

One of the prosecutors in the case of the online pioneer who killed himself this weekend, Aaron Swartz, was accused in 2008 of driving another hacker to suicide.

Some of Swartz's friends have accused Assistant United States Attorney Stephen Heymann of contributing to Swartz's suicide, with his unwillingness to compromise on the prosecution of Swartz in a case involving scholarly journal articles.

Back in 2008, another young hacker, Jonathan James, killed himself after being named a suspect in another Heymann case.

James, the first juvenile put into confinement for a federal cybercrime case, was found dead was two weeks after the Secret Service raided his house as part of its investigation of the TJX hacker case led by Heymann -- the largest personal identity hack in history. He was thought to be "JJ," the unindicted co-conspirator named in the criminal complaints filed with the US District Court in Massachusetts. In his suicide note, James wrote that he was killing himself in response to the federal investigation and their attempts to tie him to a crime which he did not commit.

via Internet Activist's Prosecutor Linked To Another Hacker's Death.

Stages Of The Crash: 1-3 Have Happened, Wait For 4-11

The stages [of the crash] are laid out below. The first three have already occurred.


  • Crash of the residential property market
  • Crash of the commercial property market
  • Crash of the stock market


  • Loss of homes
  • Loss of jobs
  • Inflation


  • Bailouts for select groups
  • Dramatic increase of debt
  • Politicians going in the opposite direction of a real solution

The first knee-jerk reaction began immediately, with the Government attempting to "make the problem go away" as quickly as possible. Almost invariably, at this stage, the corrective strategy is hastily prepared and shortsighted, assuring further deterioration of the economy.

In this stage, the politicians on both sides fail to focus on a real solution. Instead, their primary focuses are, first, to avoid a painful real solution, and, second, to engage in finger-pointing, each political party blaming the other for the problem. The problem worsens steadily until one of the next series of major dominoes falls. This is usually sudden and triggers the toppling of other dominoes.


  • Major crash in stock market
  • Currency plummets
  • Increased bankruptcies
  • Increased unemployment


  • Foreign countries refuse to accept more debt
  • Foreign trade slows dramatically

At this point, the Government introduces dramatic change, such as ill-conceived protectionism, which backfires almost immediately.


  • Defaults on debt
  • Restrictive tariffs on imports
  • Currency controls


  • Hyperinflation - dramatic increase in food and fuel costs
  • Massive unemployment
  • Extensive foreclosures
  • Extensive bankruptcies

At this point, the dominoes are tumbling quickly, and a rapid unraveling of control is about to take place.


  • Bank closures
  • Extensive homelessness
  • Food and fuel shortages
  • Electric power becomes sporadic, blackouts common

As these factors unravel, the public mood turns to a combination of blind fear and anger.


  • Crime rises dramatically (particularly street crime)
  • Food riots
  • Tax revolts
  • Squatters' rebellions


  • Creation of special army to address "domestic terrorism"
  • Random killings become commonplace

At first, the authorities focus mostly on violent subjugation and arrests; then, as prisons quickly become hopelessly overcrowded, camps become the norm. Soon, these too become unmanageable, particularly as a result of high cost of food and manpower. At that point, the solution turns to the killing of anyone who is suspected of a crime and, more frequently, anyone who is not submissive. (This will not resemble the Gestapo of the late 1930's. It will be less organized and more chaotic.)


If revolution is to occur, it will happen at this point. Many people will feel that they have nothing to lose, and anger will be at its peak. If revolution does take place, it will not be an organized movement as such. It will be spontaneous, and breakouts will manifest themselves like popcorn popping, largely at random, with ever-increasing frequency. At some point, it may possibly evolve into something more organized.

via After the Storm - International Man.

She Was Following Her Heart!

Our modern view of romantic love is so profoundly foolish because it fails to grasp the fact that the unconstrained search for romantic love leads to a never ending stream of new love, ultimately followed by disappointment/disinterest for one and heartbreak for the other.  This constant quest for a new high or fix followed by the inevitable crash is at the core of choice addiction.  For women pursuing choice addiction the reality of the larger pattern is nearly universally ignored, and the momentary feeling of “I will love him forever” is frozen in time with the trail of wreckage conveniently forgotten.


When men act this way we call them players or cads, but when women act this way we tend to say: She was following her heart!

via Feral love | Dalrock.

Why I Quit Being So Accommodating

People never trust an accommodating man with important things. That may sound harsh and cynical, but check it up in your own experience. If you have a severe illness, for example, you turn to the busiest, most exacting doctor in town. The fact that he is busy and can’t be bothered by little things gives you confidence in his ability and judgment.

Read the whole thing, from 1922. Via 1922: Why I Quit Being So Accommodating | Mike Cane’s xBlog.

Statist Thugs And The Rocks They Crawl Out From Under

Regardless of the age, the culture, or the social conditions, there is ALWAYS a percentage of the general populace that embraces the totalitarian dynamic.  There is always someone in our neighborhood, in our workplace, and within our family that finds vindication or advantage in supporting the state, even if the state has turned viciously criminal.  They are not only useful idiots; they are conscious participants in the process of pacification and enslavement of their own society.  They understand their role perfectly, and they enjoy what they do.

Look carefully around you and try to pre-identify them. And read the whole thing: Guest Post: Statist Thugs And The Rocks They Crawl Out From Under | Zero Hedge.