New Releases, and Collected Content
Some quick notes from the past few days about various projects:
The core Action-Domain-Responder implementation package for Radar has had its first beta release. (I’ll be able to release a stable version when the various pacakges it requires go stable as well, Aura.Di 3.x being the most relevant.)
The core implementation package of Bookdown, the DocBook-like documentation generator that uses Markdown and JSON instead of XML, has had its first beta release as well.
We released Aura.Filter 2.1.0 with new
functionality. Have I mentioned that it has what is probably the most thorough email validation in PHP-land? (And really good UTF-8 support as well.) -
We’re starting on the 3.x version of Aura.Sql, which provides a bunch of convenience functionality around PDO. This new version starts off by providing
generator methods; you can use those instead offetch*()
to conserve memory when working with larger data sets.
Finally, I have added a ton of content and resource links to this blog:
under appearances you will find lots of podcasts I’ve been invited to;
code lists all my current and past projects;
community lists some of my community work;
talks reveals almost every presentation I’ve ever given, with slides and recordings when available;
and writing collects my various technical publications into one place.