Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

What "stand your ground" laws actually mean

This is because “stand your ground” simply means that, if you reasonably believe that you face imminent death, serious bodily injury, rape, kidnapping, or (in most states) robbery, you can use deadly force against the assailant, even if you have a perfectly safe avenue of retreat. In non-stand-your-ground states, when you face such threats outside your home (and, in some states, your business), you can only use deadly force against the assailant if you lack a perfectly safe avenue of retreat. In no states are you allowed to shoot someone who is simply shouting at you or moving towards you loudly and aggressively, unless you reasonably believe that you’re in danger of death, serious bodily injury, or the other harms I listed. (When the person is coming into your home, in many states you can indeed shoot, but that doesn’t apply to confrontations on the public street.)

Pro-gun-control folk should read the entire article. Hell, so should pro-liberty folk. Via What ‘stand your ground’ laws actually mean - The Washington Post.

The Surprising Truth About Women and Violence

The arrest of an Olympic gold medalist on charges of domestic violence would normally be an occasion for a soul-searching conversation about machismo in sports, toxic masculinity and violence against women. But not when the alleged offender is a woman: 32-year-old Hope Solo, goalkeeper of the U.S. women’s soccer team, who is facing charges of assaulting her sister and 17-year-old nephew in a drunken, violent outburst.

via The Surprising Truth About Women and Violence | TIME.

An Updated Preview Of Aura.Auth

It can be difficult to find a truly standalone, authentication-only library, and Aura.Auth fits that bill.

The library is still under development, but the major pieces are all now in place:

Each layer can handle custom implementations. There are instructions for custom adapters, custom session managers (including session-less authentication), and custom services.

Via An Updated Preview Of Aura.Auth.

Why Government Worker Unions Should Be Illegal

But this idea that bureaucrats -- very broadly defined -- can become their own class bent on protecting their interests at the expense of the public seems not only plausible but obviously true.

The evidence is everywhere. Every day it seems there’s another story about teachers’ unions using their stranglehold on public schools to reward themselves at the expense of children. School-choice programs and even public charter schools are under vicious attack, not because they are bad at educating children but because they’re good at it. Specifically, they are good at it because they don’t have to abide by rules aimed at protecting government workers at the expense of students.

The Veterans Affairs scandal can be boiled down to the fact that VA employees are the agency’s most important constituency. The Phoenix VA health-care system created secret waiting lists where patients languished and even died, while the administrator paid out almost $10 million in bonuses to VA employees over the last three years.

Working for the federal government simply isn’t like working for the private sector. Government employees are essentially unfireable.

See also the IRS. Via Of the Bureaucrats, by the Bureaucrats, for the Bureaucrats | National Review Online.

Supreme Court bans warrantless cell phone searches

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police cannot go snooping through people’s cell phones without a warrant, in a unanimous decision that amounts to a major statement in favor of privacy rights.

Police agencies had argued that searching through the data on cell phones was no different than asking someone to turn out his pockets, but the justices rejected that, saying a cell phone is more fundamental.

This is a blow in favor of liberty. Now you need to remember to uphold your rights. When the officer asks to see your cellphone, you reply in a polite and deferential tone: "Officer, with great respect, I do not consent to searches. May I be on my way now?" Via Supreme Court bans warrantless cell phone searches - Washington Times.

Modernizing Legacy PHP: From Service Locator To Dependency Injection

In an earlier article I described how to start moving away from singletons in favor of dependency injection. It occurs to me that the process for moving away from Service Locator is almost exactly the same, except that we use the container outside the class instead of inside it.

Let's say we have a class that uses a Service Locator. First we examine the class for all uses of the locator. Then, we create constructor parameters for the dependencies it extracts from the locator, and add setter code for those dependencies in the constructor body. For example, we can convert the above Service Locator example classes to these dependency-injected variations:

class FooClass
    protected $db;
    public function __construct(Database $db)
        $this->db = $db;

class BarClass
    protected $db;
    public function __construct(Database $db)
        $this->db = $db;

Finally, any time we instantiate one of these dependency-injected classes, we use the locator outside the class to retrieve the dependencies. We then pass them to the new call for the class. For example:

// for FooClass
$db = $container->get('db');
$foo = new FooClass($db);

// for BarClass
$db = StaticContainer::get('db');
$bar = new BarClass($db);

Now the class dependencies are explicit and predictable, instead of implicit and unpredictable (i.e., the class might depend on any combination of dependencies hidden inside the container). It is also somewhat easier to build a test, since we only have to build the dependencies themselves, not the container that holds the dependencies.


Are you overwhelmed by a legacy PHP application? Have you inherited a spaghetti mess of code? Does it use globals everywhere, so that a fix in one place causes a bug somewhere else? Does every feature addition feel like slogging through a swamp of includes?

It doesn’t have to be that way. "Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP" gives you step-by-step instructions on how to get your legacy code under control by eliminating globals and separating concerns. Each chapter shows you exactly one task and how to accomplish it, along with common questions related to that task.

When you are done, you will come and go through your code like the wind. Your application will have become autoloaded, dependency injected, unit tested, layer separated, and front controlled. And you will have kept it running the whole time.

Buy the book today!

"Mists of Avalon" Author, Marion Zimmer Bradley, was a child abuser -- says her own daughter

Marion Zimmer Bradley, celebrated science fiction and fantasy author, recipient of the, cofounder of the Society for Creative Anachronism, posthumous recipient of the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, has just been revealed by her own daughter Moira Greyland as a repeat child molester, who not only countenanced her sometime husband Walter Breen‘s relationship with an underage boy, but also violated her own daughter,  and other children, of both sexes, repeatedly, over many years.

I apologize to anyone this offends, but this is already public information and I am simply repeating it. Walter Breen’s convictions are a matter of public record, and reinforced by Bradley’s own public statements on the subject. This goes far beyond any notion of Fifties homophobia. And also, I apologize to Moira Greyland if sharing this upsets her further, but her statement is already being shared elsewhere, and I’m just adding a little more exposure on top of what’s already going on – with some good purpose, I hope. And I apologize if this article title for one moment appears to call into question what she said, but I’m adding it in case TeleRead needs a fallback position and I’ve been wrong all along. But so far it looks like anything but.

Cue the excuses. Via Marion Zimmer Bradley was a child abuser - says her own daughter « TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

No Observable Global Warming For 17 Years 9 Months

According to the RSS satellite data, whose value for May 2014 has just been published, the global warming trend in the 17 years 9 [months] since September 1996 is zero (Fig. 1). The 213 months without global warming represent more than half the 425-month satellite data record since January 1979. No one now in high school has lived through global warming.

The hiatus period of 17 years 9 months is the farthest back one can go in the RSS satellite temperature record and still show a zero trend. But the length of the pause in global warming, significant though it now is, is of less importance than the ever-growing discrepancy between the temperature trends predicted by models and the less exciting real-world temperature change that has been observed.

Meanwhile, my understanding is that atmospheric carbon has continued to increase. The models based on carbon don't look very predictive at this point. Via The pause continues – Still no global warming for 17 years 9 months | Watts Up With That?.

Aura.SqlQuery 2.0.0 Stable Release

Aura.SqlQuery provides provides a truly independent, fully decoupled package of query-building tools for PHP 5.3 and up. With it, you can use object-oriented techniques to create SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. The package comes with a set of common base query objects, and provides specialized objects for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server.

When we say “truly independent and fully decoupled” we really mean it. The SqlQuery package has no dependencies on any particular database connection system or abstraction layer. For example, you can build a SELECT query, then pass the finished query string to a PDO connection, a mysql connection, or through the database abstraction layer of your choice. This means the package is suitable for any framework or application that needs a query-building mechanism.

Via Aura.SqlQuery v2 Stable Release.