Which is Lighter, Silex or Aura.Web_Project?
Always remember that there is no such thing as “bloated” or “heavy” or “light”; there is only “heavier” or “lighter” or “more bloated” or “less bloated” in comparison to something else.
… let’s go with that article [on Silex] and use its approach to make a comparison between Silex and Aura.Web_Project to see if my earlier claim, using the terms and measurements outlined by the Silex post author, is accurate.
If you measure by the number of package dependencies, disregarding how similar functionality is split up between packages, then Silex is lighter.
If you measure by the total disk usage, Aura.Web_Project is lighter.
If you measure by the total NCLOC, Aura.Web_Project is lighter.
If you measure by the total class count, Aura.Web_Project is lighter.
If you measure by the acutual-usage class count, disregarding how similar functionality is split up among classes, then Silex is lighter.
If you measure by the actual-usage NCLOC, Aura.Web_Project is lighter.
If you measure by how many classes “for the most part” are in the public API, Aura.Web_Project is lighter.
In 5 of the 7 measures put forth by the original Silex article, Aura.Web_Project is the lighter of the two.
UPDATE: Via Which is Lighter, Silex or Aura.Web_Project?