Tough Luck!
"What if Congress passes an unjust law, the President signs it, and the Supreme Court upholds it?"
"What if the government conscripts you to fight in an unjust war, and you die a horrible death?"
"What if a poor person drinks and gambles away his welfare check?"
"What if the government denies you permission to legally work?"
"What if the President decides your ethnicity is a national security risk and puts you in a concentration camp, and the Supreme Court declares his action constitutional?"
"What if a person lives an extremely unhealthy lifestyle, so by the time they're retired, they're in constant pain no matter how generous their Medicare coverage is?"
"What happens if a President lies to start a war, and voters don't particularly care?"
Once you start the what-if game, it's hard to stop. Name any political system. I can generate endless hypotheticals to aggravate its supporters. The right lesson to draw: Every political perspective eventually has to say "Tough luck" when confronted with well-crafted what-ifs. There's nothing uniquely hard-hearted or cruel about libertarianism. Defenders of democracy, nationalism, liberalism, conservatism, the American Constitution, and social democracy all eventually sigh, "Life's not fair," or "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
via Tough Luck, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty.