Aura 1.0.0-beta2 Released
(The Aura Project is a library of independent component packages for PHP 5.4.)
Yesterday, we released 1.0.0-beta2 versions of all Aura component libraries:
Aura.Autoload, a PSR-0 compliant autoloader
Aura.Cli for command-line tooling
Aura.Di, a dependency injection container
Aura.Http, for generating HTTP response objects
Aura.Marshal, for marshaling data sets into domain objects
Aura.Router, a web routing package
Aura.Signal, a signal slots implementation
Aura.Sql for working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server
Aura.View, a PHP-based template system
Aura.Web, a bare-bones page controller package
(HariKT blogged about the release here.)
In addition, we released a full-stack framework composed of the above independent packages. You can download the system tarball here.
The Aura project caters to developers who just want a library or two (or more!) to integrate into their existing projects, and to developers who need a full stack framework. Such are the joys of a component-based system.
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