... ever since the first set of federal guidelines appeared in 1980, Americans heard that they had to reduce their intake of saturated fat by cutting back on meat and dairy products and replacing them with carbohydrates. Americans dutifully complied. Since then, obesity has increased sharply ...


According to Scientific American, growing research into carbohydrate-based diets has demonstrated that the medical establishment may have harmed Americans by steering them toward carbs. Research by Meir Stampfer, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard, concludes that diets rich in carbohydrates that are quickly digestible--that is, with a high glycemic index, like potatoes, white rice, and white bread--give people an insulin boost that increases the risk of diabetes and makes them far more likely to contract cardiovascular disease than those who eat moderate amounts of meat and fewer carbs. ...

In short, "government gets it wrong again." They can't even get *diet* right, and they want to control all medical care? If this were a corporation there would be lawsuits galore. Via Egg on Their Faces by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2010.